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Fix You

       If you want an amazing performance, see The Offspring perform live. They're the only band I've seen, aside from Tokyo Police Club and The Lone Bellow, where every member of the band was equally awesome and no one stood out from the others, only because they were so fantastic as a group (I love when bands don't throw out a singer as a front-man because it means that there's an emphasis on them being a 'band'). They were one of few performances where the music was even better live than it is recorded and, when you see them live, there is so much energy in those opening riffs that you're going to re-fall for their music all over again (seriously, "The Kids Aren't Alright" may, possibly, be in my top five best concert songs/experiences).
       The Offspring is awesome; they've been together for years and their album tracks jump from songs you have to scream along with to those which really just need to be played while laying back with headphones on or while driving down the interstate. They can do pretty much anything in their genre perfectly and a lot of that is because they began while the alternative rock genre was still being molded so a lot of those great '90's alternative influences are still in their music; if you don't have a ridiculous amount of their music in your library, you should start working on that.
"Fix You" The Offspring
- E

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